Africa Foundation
Non-profit organization
Research, Content Development, Graphic Design, Logo Design, Illustration, Print
The Echo Environmental Education Programme is an initiative of Africa Foundation, &beyond and GCC. Its aim is to develop environmentally-conscious communities through education, particularly in rural schools surrounding South Africa’s many game reserves as well as reserves throughout Africa.
We were tasked with creating the course content and developing curriculum-integrated learning materials for teachers and students.
The environmental education course was designed to help learners to understand their role in the environment, and how they can improve it. It also provides an overview of Africa’s unique biodiversity and the threats it faces.
Visual Identity
When designing the visual identity, we wanted to ensure that it was simple and eye-catching. We also wanted to represent the environment using a globe representing earth and water, in a way that would appeal to learners of all ages.
This was achieved by using a simple palette of colours and patterns drawn from the iconic zebra that also alludes to the resonance education has across people’s lives.

As the learners are based in rural areas with little easy access to technology, we ensured that the content was accessible to all learners by making it available in printed book form and distributed electronically for local printing.
In support of the environmental education programme’s vision, we wanted to ensure that the content was engaging for learners. Our team developed a range of resources including graphics, illustrations, games, activities, and lesson plans that are both educational and fun!

The project was later extended to include grades 0 through to grade 5, with a total of three additional environmental education guides published.
